Accessing NOAA Service Now Enterprise Services

Original Problem:

Previously I asked about software for a card reader. I got that and now can log onto a secure NOAA VPN portal, which I will need to get to a new 'enterprise' system. This is all done on internet explorer. Once there I open a new explorer tab and try to get to the new system is at

At that step I get the following message: "IP Address not Authorized:". Did I do something wrong, or is there something you set, or something NOAA needs to set?


Connect to via Cisco AnyConnect Mobility Client (you can find it in the Start Menu). AnyConnect needs to be up to date for the connection to work and your CAC card will need to be inserted in the reader. When/if prompted, choose to add the certificate after the warning (there should be a check box). Choose the CERT for DOD Email. You will need to enter your PIN when prompted. Once the VPN has finished connecting, open Internet Explorer and enter into the address bar and press enter. If prompted, choose your DOD Email certificate and enter your pin. Choose your bureau, NOAA in this case. It should then connect and provide you access to the enterprise system. When finished, log out from the Enterprise Services website and disconnect Cisco AnyConnect.


Before attempting a connection, you need to install the ActivClient software on a smart-card enabled machine. The latest version can be downloaded from NOAA at:


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