CICS HPC Rain Cluster - Accessing Data Cluster Wide

When you are accessing data cluster wide you will need to specify the /data name for it. For example; to access the data in /san/cics_sfr you would use: /data/sfr - this path is accessible by all nodes in the cluster.

Another example; when you login to rain and issue df -hT you will get something like the following results:

                     xfs      3.0T   40G  3.0T   2% /san/cics_water
                     xfs      1.5T  1.1T  498G  68% /san/cics_sfr
                     xfs      1.5T  492G  1.1T  33% /san/cics_rferraro
                     xfs      4.0T   33M  4.0T   1% /san/cics_meyers
                     xfs      492M   25M  467M   6% /san/cics_color
                     xfs      4.0T  2.4T  1.7T  58% /san/cics_yyou
                     xfs      9.0T   34M  9.0T   1% /san/cics_data1
                     xfs       80T  6.0T   75T   8% /san/cics_data2

If we wanted to access /san/cics_sfr you can use this path only on the head node. You should, however use the cluster wide path which is /data/sfr. Or, if you are accessing /san/cics_data2 you should use /data/data2.

If you access a compute node and try to access the path /san/cics_sfr you will not be able to access the data. Instead you should use /data/sfr.


/san/cics_water -> /data/water

/san/cics_meyers -> /data/meyers

/san/cics_data1 -> /data/data1

.. etc


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